Gojek’s Engineering Platform Boot camp Week 1
Firstly, due to Covid19 situation that’s the first ever remote boot camp and one more that add beauty in this, it is organised by our engineering platform team. So, that’s more special.
On the first day, our first problem was Conway’s Game of Life, that’s the basic checkpoint for us like how do we generally code, where were we at that point of time. So basically it’s was to pick us from the point where we were. Now, if we look at that code we feel like we can do more improvements to that.
If you are better than yesterday that means you have learned something.
So, from there process of getting better than yesterday started. We learned about:
- Red Commits
- Green commits
- Refactor
- How to write clean code
- How to implement TDD
- How SSH works
- How to do Object-oriented programming in Ruby
Principles we learned:
- SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
- YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It)
- Tell-Don’t-Ask
- Open-Closed Principle
All those principles we learned by first try then got failed and got introduced to new principle. Implementing everything practically then learning leaves a impact that only learning with no implementing can’t do.
One more interesting thing we have in this is 30 mins iterations i.e. think, test, code and commit then it’s demo time. We get feedback's from our peers, coaches and with their every feedback you grow.
Fun Time:
Playing type racer makes you feel that even in remote boot camp you can play. It’s not only for good for mind relaxation but also increases our typing speed.